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December 15, 2020

Meet Steve Powell, Vice President of Finance

December 8, 2020

Health Talk: Ergonomics and Posture

Sheetal Patel, our director of rehabilitation, provides information you need to know to about ergonomics and tips, including exercises, for improving your sitting posture. Watch the video or read the transcript below.
December 3, 2020

Sugar Scrub Stocking Stuffers

Make your own sugar scrub stocking stuffers!
November 19, 2020

How to Safely Celebrate the Holidays

How to Safely Celebrate the Holidays
November 9, 2020

Health Talk: Sinuses and Balance

Director of Rehabilitation Sheetal Patel talks about how allergies can affect balance and may even trigger vertigo coming back.
October 20, 2020

Webinar: Osteoporosis

In this pre-recorded webinar, Resident Life Coordinator Courtney Abell provides exercises you can do to help reduce your risk for developing osteoporosis, after learning more about the disease.
October 12, 2020

Tips to Keep Aging Bones and Joints Healthy

Taking care of your bones and joints are important, but more so as you age.
October 12, 2020

Meet Anne Kempsell, Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Our President and CEO Jeff Branch's interview with Anne Kempsell, vice president of sales and marketing, provides some interesting insights, professionally and personally.
October 6, 2020

What is Active Aging?

Leading an active aging lifestyle can help keep you healthy and feel happy and can lead to increasing your wellbeing, ability to be active longer and recover from an illness sooner as well as reducing your risk for falls and getting a chronic disease (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure).